Dear Members,
First of all may I wish you all a Happy New Year and hope that 2022 is a good one for you.
I hope and trust that you are now enjoying the format of the newsletter on our revamped website that we are constantly updating. If you have any requests or ideas for content then please let us know when we shall do our best to try to accommodate your wishes.
January is usually a busy month as we struggle to get back to a normality after the excesses of Christmas, and that is also true for the association. This month is going to prove a packed one, and as I describe the activities to you, if you feel that you would like to get directly involved then you will be more than welcome, just please contact us at the FCA office.
2021 Finances
The 2021 financial accounts are currently being finalised by our Treasurer Cllr. Viv Wilder and will be presented to members at our AGM in March as well as being submitted to party HQ.
Upcoming Campaigns
We are looking to begin campaigning in Fylde and to that end a survey will be going out in the Wesham area in the near future. This will be delivered by members over a number of days, and if anyone would like to help with delivery please contact us, the more people involved the quicker and easier the task is, and you can also put it towards your 10,000 steps a day!
Boundary Commission
Now that the Boundary Commission have determined the new wards for Fylde that will be contested in May 2023, it is important that we are prepared and have a team in place well ahead of the election. Prior to Easter the Association officers will be speaking to both sitting councillors and potential candidates with the aim of having the team selected and ready. This will be an open process with the membership ultimately selecting candidates to contest the seats, but we need to learn from previous selection processes, as well as ensuring that new people have an opportunity where possible.
In March we shall be holding our Annual General Meeting. It is a little difficult to give firm details of time date or place at the present whilst we are waiting to hear if there will be any restrictions imposed. At the time of writing it is looking optimistic that we shall be able to meet in person, and once we have a clearer picture then I shall let members know full details.
Management Team
During January the management team will be looking closely at the new wards. We are looking to set up new ward structures for members to get involved at that level, and to provide support for wards to get re-established. There will be some financial support for wards to get organised.
Social Events
The last two years have proved difficult in so many ways, and social interactions have inevitably been limited. We are looking forward to reintroducing a number of social fundraising events during the year. We shall of course take note of any restrictions that may be put in place, but it would be so nice to meet in person again, so fingers crossed that we shall be able to do so.
Roger Small - Chairman of the Fylde Conservative Association