I have lived in the Fylde constituency for over 35 years, being a resident of Ansdell and more recently in St Annes. My wife and I have raised our family
here and our 2 adult children both live and work here. My wife has been a Head Teacher at a number of Primary schools in Fylde. I have worked in both public and private sectors and currently run a small business.
This election is solely about local Fylde Borough Council issues and I feel able to project and advocate the interests of our residents to achieve continuous improvements for all in Fylde. I have been a member of the public influence panel for the Clinical Commissioning Group which was responsible for health care services locally until mid 2022. Responsibility has now been given to Integrated Care Boards and I will continue to attend public events to improve care for Fylde residents. I will Influence as much as possible the NHS locally to maintain and improve its services for Fylde residents, particularly in respect of access to Doctors Surgery and Community Hospital Services.
If elected as a councillor I would wish to keep the council tax as affordable as possible. Sound finance is the cornerstone of success. Parks and open spaces in the Fylde are an asset to the population and I would work to maintain and enhance these areas in our beautiful towns. I will ensure all Kilgrimol residents areas are well maintained & enhanced.
It would be an honour to be elected as your representative on Fylde Council.